Saturday, March 25, 2017

The fight of the good and the evil

Does the evil really exist or is it is only a fancy of the mind? Is it the religions, the morality, the habits and customs and the law that say what is bad and the evil is the same thing as what is bad with regard to all these actors of the morality? Our answer:

Those who are commited to do the good, often feel that a fight exists between the good and the evil. This concept of good and evil is sometimes a little fuzzy and the proponents of the religions do not have problems to define it. Indeed the three great monotheistic religions, known as of the book, the Judaism, the Christianism and the Islam have a turn-key definition of good and evil.

The Tables of the Law, the hadiths, the Christian morality circumscribe the believer preventing him to have doubts without answers. Others see the world like battlefields between the good - God, the saints, the archangels, the angels, the virtue, the love, the life and the evil - Satan, the demons, the defect, hatred, death. 

"The man speaks about the good and about the evil 
But without Conscience the words are vain
[Bhaktimàrga 1-4-1]


There are those who choose the camp of the good and seek to be submitted to God and there are those which opt for the evil deliberately, dedicating worships with the sulfurous chief of the hells. Between these two extreme camps there is the mass of those which the moral leaves in a fairly good life and which the doubt pushes to enjoy pleasures that the saints always avoided as the plague. 

However the evil as an entity does not have an existence. 
The sad, cruel, detrimental events exist, 
like the suffering, but they are not due 
to a malignant will
incarnated in a guardian representative. 

Darkness would be the kingdom of the evil, the Light that of the good, the sky and the hell. Does the Light exist but darkness exist, does it ? On a scientific, objective and phenomenal level it is possible to define and to observe the light:

''The light is the whole of the visible electromagnetic waves by the human eye, i.e. understood in wavelengths of 380 Nm (purple) with 780 Nm (red) ''. [Wikipedia].

It is made of photons. But there is a lighting Light which has all appearances of these floods of undulating photons that the physicists name light, but is it made of photons? The photons do not emit joy, except for that gotten by the melatonin, whereas that which shines inside you, and that it is possible to observe thanks to a technique of dedicated meditation, causes a happiness, an intense interior joy. 

What is the darkness made of ?

But the darkness, what is it made of ? 
In fact darkness is the absence of Light
but one cannot say that the Light is the absence of darkness.


If you are in darkness, at the bottom of a cellar without openings, and if you have a match, rub it and as soon as it ignites darkness will disappear. Oh! it will not be Versailles and that will last only the time of the match, but darkness will not exist any more during this period of time. There will be shade beyond the sphere which the flame lights, but darkness not.

When you are in darkness it is better not to move, to remain motionless because any displacement can cause an accident: you can run up against an invisible obstacle and fall dangerously or strike you the head against one of the four walls or fall at the bottom from a hole.

Darkness is perhaps only the absence of Light, they undoubtedly do not have an own existence, but the bump with the face caused by its brutal and unexpected meeting with a wall has a painful reality. 

Thus if darkness does not exist, 
the consequences of darkness exist. 
The evil is the consequence of a lack, 
the lack of Conscience. 

Lumière et puis noir, Dieu est, le diable aussi.
Il a tant de pouvoirs mais pourtant il n'est rien;
L'absence du Divin, les ténèbres et voici,
l'étincelle venue, disparu il n'est rien !

Les ténèbres ne sont qu'absence de lumière.
Ils nous perdent pourtant, par eux on oublie tout.
Pourquoi notre venue, cette cause première?
Quand on ne voit pas Dieu on crée un manitou.

Extrait de ''Le Maha Rahas''

Light and then black, God are, the devil too.
It has so many powers but however it is nothing;
The absence of Divine, darkness and here,
the coming spark, disappeared it is nothing!

Darkness is only absence of light.
It however loses us, by it one forgets all.
Why our arrival, this main cause ?
When God is not seen a Manitoban is created.

Extract from “the Maha Rahas