spiritual life is a life in full conscience
The spirituality is the life such as it must be lived.
is not reserved for an elite
requires no particular competence.
it is necessary to face the facts
the majority of the humanity
not living a life of harmony and Peace.
fact of believing in God, in a religion is not a criterion of
spirituality. By the people who have a religion, there are people who
are spiritual and others who are not. The intolerant extremists, full
of hatred are not spiritual people.
The spiritual life is a life spent in full conscience respecting
all the parts of us:
body, the mental and the soul ".
alias josé]
The spiritual life is not in addition
don’t let enter the spirituality into our existence,
let our existence enter into the spirituality,
it becomes fully spiritual.
it is not necessary to give up whatever it is,
live an exclusive asceticism.
"A life without
Conscience is a day without light "
if your existence consists in injecting you toxins, tearing away the
necklaces of the ladies, a change of life wouldn’t be a pity ! But
if you work, you have a family and friends, it is not necessary to
resign nor to leave your close friends without news.
The Conscience named the couple formed by the soul and the ego. It is your real identity. Even if the mind also defines you, through the personality and the souvenirs. You are also this body as long as the soul is embodied there.
It is necessary to specify that the words ego and mind
nothing negative:
ego is this principle which individualizes the soul
that it can say I.
faculty makes the Conscience.
mind is the intelligence and the memory
head office is the brain.
intelligence is useful.
it is necessary to keep it under control.
soul comes from One the Grace gives it flesh by the ego
in present so that the body has a conscience"
[Bhaktimàrga 1-2-12]
living being is alive, this tautology to express that life is well
the common denominator of every living being, what unite them. This
life is not a concept, something virtual, of philosophic: this life
is a reality and it is energy.
does live this life ?
In putting your Conscience inside, by an appropriate practice, it is possible to deepen it. To do that, there are four particular techniques revealed to those who ask for it. They are techniques of Meditation. Some are practised in sitting, others while doing all that we have to do.
some the spirituality aims to cause confusion. They slice the human
being and rank them and even bring them in opposition. So all what is
physical will be considered incompatible with the spirituality. They
put in this slice the human body, its desires and its needs: the
food, the sex, the pleasures, the comfort.
These material things will be grouped under the word Màyà, that is the illusion. Some upholders of the esotericism count more than ten different slices. There will be a causal body, an etheric body, an astral etc.
body and the mind are essential
All the various parts which make you up have their utility and proceed of the same creator. The physical body is the temple of the soul and the spiritual life is made with and by it. Without it no life. It is necessary to respect it and to treat it respectfully and with love. As for the world, it is the creation of God and a Grace. The illusion is not in what we see but in the look that sees.
"The sight in
conscience sees One in everything,
The one of the illusion
sees only the forms"
[Bhaktimàrga 1-1-5]
not neglect the intelligence. Some consider the thought as a parasite
of the Meditation. It is true in the deep Meditation, dhyana, but it
has its utility on a daily basis. Others put it on a pedestal. These
last one spend their life to study the mysteries of the esotericism.
For them the knowledge of God passes by the knowledge taken from the
in its place
You should neglect no component that makes you up, the body, the mind and the soul, but each part has to stay in its place and act in its field of expertise and Knowledge is not learned-knowledge.